Message from CEO

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd.
A year has passed since I was appointed President in June 2023. Looking back on the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, the third year of the Medium-Term Management Plan announced in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, we made efforts to launch new products that aligned with customer needs and adopted a new human resources development system, and pushed forward with initiatives to strengthen sales capabilities in the medium to long term. Thanks to these efforts, we managed to acquire a signifi cant number of new policies as well as achieve higher scores in employee engagement surveys (engagement score surveys). Thus, the past year has been marked by signs of even greater growth.
In such a business environment, in May 2024 we revised our Medium-Term Management Plan, which covered the period until the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026. The revision came about as a reevaluation of our initiatives at the midway point of the five-year plan and as a recalibration of our management strategies in light of changes in the external environment, such as rising interest rates, as well as changes in the internal environment, including as the resumption of solicitation to elderly customers. The previous Medium-Term Management Plan upheld the two pillars of "Rebirth into a company that is truly trusted by its customers" and "Sustainable growth." In the revised plan, we have positioned "Retain and expand customer base" and "A strong company capable of sustainable growth" as the two drivers of our strategy.
First of all, to "Retain and expand our customer base" we will expand the lineup of products that meet the diverse needs of customers and enhance after-sales follow-up services with quality and quantity going forward, based on customer-oriented business operations.
In terms of expanding our product lineup, in January 2024 we launched a lump-sum payment whole life insurance and are also considering new products based on the needs of the an age of the 100-year life, such as insurance to prepare for when we need nursing care and when we can no longer work. As for after-sales follow-up services, by using both physical and digital channels, we will focus on providing useful information based on the timely grasp of the situation of the customer and their family and resolving worries and difficulties, thereby improving CX.
Through such initiatives as "expanding our product lineup" and "enhancing after-sales follow-up services," we will provide assurance across life stages/generations. We will retain and expand the customer base by maintaining connections with customers as "a trusted partner who is easy to consult with."
The other pillar of our growth strategy, "a strong company capable of sustainable growth," denotes the strengthening of our management base required to fulfill our responsibility to our customers.
To this end, in addition to initiatives under the new human resources development system, "the Kampo GD System," which was adopted in July 2023, we are strengthening our structure through proactive hiring. By maximizing the strengths of the human resources that support the face-to-face channels of the post office network, we are enhancing our sales capabilities.
Furthermore, in terms of asset management, we are spreading the wings of our business through various partners both in Japan and overseas, such as the capital and business alliance with the Daiwa Securities Group announced in May 2024, in an effort to improve our earnings by capturing the changes in the market environment and to diversify our sources of income as well as generate new growth opportunities. Moreover, we aspire to resolve social issues and fulfill our responsibility as an institutional investor through sustainable investments.
Additionally, through the promotion of DX, we will improve CX and enhance the effi ciency of business operations. Improved efficiency will allow us to reskill human resources within the company and assign them to different areas which need reinforcements and have them play meaningful roles. I believe that these are crucial initiatives from the standpoint of utilizing human capital.
The source of our corporate value is "the trust of our customers." We are making a concerted effort to establish the "Japan Post Insurance Brand" as the insurance of the post office that is first and foremost in reliability and familiarity in Japan.
We will continue to steadily fulfi ll the social mission of Japan Post Insurance of "We will remain trusted and selected by customers, thereby protecting their lives by providing life insurance products," as we embark on a new stage. We, therefore, ask for your continued support.
July 2024
Director and President, CEO, Representative Executive Officer