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Engagement with Shareholders and Investors

We have formulated our Disclosure Policy, which sets out our basic policy of accurately and fairly disclosing information to fulfill our accountability as a listed company and to earn the trust of shareholders and investors, etc., and have been working to put it into practice.
At the same time, we aim to enhance corporate value by understanding the requests and expectations of our shareholders and investors through engagement.

Annual Schedule

Annual Schedule

Click on the image to open the zoom-in version in a new window.

IR and SR Activities

We have established a page for shareholders and investors on our website (IR website) where we post corporate information for investors such as timely disclosure information in a timely manner. We implement an IR Mailing Service to communicate the latest timely disclosure information and other information related to investor relations.
During the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, from the perspective of preventing the spread of COVID-19, we held a total of three online company information sessions for individual investors, viewed by numerous individuals. After the announcement of quarterly financial results, our management team holds conference calls and financial results briefings for institutional investors in Japan and overseas to explain management strategies and financial conditions, as well as dialogues on ESG and other topics. We also participate in conferences for institutional investors organized by securities companies.

Dialogues with Shareholders and Investors in FY2022

Dialogues with Shareholders and Investors in FY2022

Feedbacks to the Company

Themes of Dialogues

[Major Concerns of Shareholders and Investors]

Major Concerns of Shareholders and Investors

Feedbacks to our Business Management

We recognize the opinions and questions received from shareholders and investors as a valuable input to our management strategy.

They are shared widely within the company, not only with the management, but also with related departments, in addition to reporting them to the Board of Directors.

[Examples of opinions reflected to our business]

Examples of opinions reflected to our business

※ NPSⓇ is an abbreviation for "Net Promoter Score" and a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld, and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

IR Schedule

Company Information Session for Individual Investors held on July 5, 2022

Details of the General Meeting of Shareholders held this year

DateJune 19, 2023
Meeting duration32 minutes
Number of attending shareholders93
Mailing date of Convocation NoticeJune 1, 2023
Start date of measures for electronic provisionMay 22, 2023

Every year, we hold the General Meeting of Shareholders, giving top priority to enhancing communication with shareholders and improving their convenience.
Regarding the provision of materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders prior to the holding of the 17th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, as in the past, we endeavored to send and disclose the materials as early as possible so that shareholders would have enough time to carefully review the proposals and we accepted questions in advance on our website. In addition, we have taken advantage of a system for electronic provision of materials under the revised Companies Act to enhance content related to sustainability and other topics.
As for exercise of voting rights, we participate in the virtual platform recommended by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which allows institutional investors to exercise voting rights electronically, and we have adopted a system that allows shareholders to easily exercise voting rights by scanning a 2D code with a smartphone, etc.
On the day of the General Meeting of Shareholders, we provide an environment where shareholders who have difficulty coming to the meeting can watch the proceedings streamed live on the Internet. In our business reports, we use video materials to provide easy-to-understand explanations, striving to ensure that shareholders can understand our management and businesses.
We also enhance mutual understanding by answering questions received in advance and by holding a Q&A session with shareholders.
After the meeting, we swiftly disclose the shareholder newsletter, the results of the exercised voting rights, the slides used on the day of the meeting and other relevant information on the Company's website as part of our efforts to improve the way we provide corporate information to shareholders.