Environmental Considerations with Corporate Activities
We conduct our corporate activities in consideration of the environment in a variety of ways.
Initiatives to Reduce CO2 Emissions
To achieve the long-term target of the Paris Agreement, we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions ( CO2 emissions) by cutting back on electricity consumption through energy-saving and streamlining facilities and vehicles and by using decarbonized power sources, on the basis of a shift to a carbon-neutral society including the associated technological innovation.
To realize a decarbonized society, we will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 46% from FY2020/3 levels by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2031, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Based primarily on the results of an energy-saving diagnosis, we are improving the operation of lighting and air-conditioning equipment, cutting back on energy consumption, mainly by installing energy-saving equipment, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions ( CO2 emissions) by promoting a switch to eco-friendly vehicles such as hybrid vehicles.
Moreover, as an institutional investor that manages funds contributed by customers as insurance premiums, we measure the greenhouse gas emissions from our investment portfolio. We aim for carbon neutrality by 2050, and we are working towards a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from FY2020 levels by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030, as an interim target.
Energy conservation and use of renewable energy in offices
In our offices, we are working to reduce energy consumption by improving the operation of lighting and air conditioning systems and introducing energy-saving equipment.
Our locations, Otemachi Place Tower and some other offices, use electricity generated from renewable energy sources, thereby contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
Supporting government policies related to climate change
We support the Japanese government's laws regarding the promotion of global warming countermeasures, such as the "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" and the "Act on the rationalization of energy use and conversion to non-fossil energy".
Fluorocarbons Management
In accordance with the Act on Rational Use and Appropriate Management of Fluorocarbons (Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act), we properly manage the equipment that is subject to control.
Employee's Initiatives Based on our Guidebook
We have compiled a guidebook which includes specific energy saving initiatives to promote basic energy saving activities across the entire company. All employees are making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and copy paper usage by implementing the energy saving initiatives listed in this guidebook.
Main Initiatives Listed in the Guidebook
- Turn off lights in areas that do not interfere with work
- Reduce the operating hours of air conditioners
- Turn off the main power of unused office equipment
- Print on both sides of the paper and reduce the size, when possible
Support for COOL CHOICE
COOL CHOICE is a government-initiated national movement to encourage people to make wise choices in their daily lives, such as replacing products, using services, and choosing lifestyles that contribute to the creation of a decarbonized society, to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as CO2.
We support for COOL CHOICE and implement COOL BIZ between May and October to reduce air-conditioning use during summer in a bid to decrease electricity consumption.

Initiatives to Reduce Plastic Use
With regard to the issues of plastics, which is a global issue, we are also promoting initiatives to reduce the amount of plastic used in our corporate activities. This initiative is part of our initiatives toward the realization of one of our materialities, "Contribute to the development of communities and society; and environmental conservation." First, we will switch some plastic clear folders distributed to customers to environmentally friendly materials, and for plastic clear folders used by employees, we will reduce their use and gradually transition to paper files. Through these measures, we are working toward de-plasticization.
Efforts to Reduce Paper Consumption (Going Paperless)
We strive to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the amount of paper used towards a paperless workplace.
【Main initiatives to reduce paper consumption (going paperless) 】
- Electronic issuance of premium payment certificates
- Provision of the Contract Guidelines and Policy Conditions in PDF format on our website in addition to the printed version
- Encouragement of a reduction of copier paper, and digitization of various office forms
Environmental Considerations in Printed Materials
Supporting Environmental Conservation Activities
We make donations to support forestation activities conducted by citizens' groups and other organizations to revitalize forests and lead to efforts to increase greenery.

Location Based Initiatives
We conduct volunteer activities for environmental conservation at Japan Post Insurance bases throughout Japan.

Tokushima Branch

Yamaguchi Branch

Aomori Branch

Yamagata Branch
Procurement Activities
In accordance with the Japan Post Group CSR Procurement Guidelines, we conduct our procurement activities in consideration of global and regional environmental conservation and the effective use of resources.
Investment Activities
We invest with an emphasis on contribution to environmental conservation as a priority topic for ESG investment.
We aim for carbon neutrality by 2050, and we are working towards a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from FY2020 levels by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030, as an interim target. Moreover, as a KPI for ESG investment, we have set the goal of achieving a total power output of 1.5 million kW for the renewable energy facilities in which we invest and loan during the period of the Medium-Term Management Plan.
Japan Post Group Initiatives
JP Children's Tree-Planting Campaign
Since 2008, the Japan Post Group has endorsed the NPO "Children's Tree-Planting Promotion Network." Under the name of "JP Children's Tree-Planting Campaign," we have supported forestation experience activities for children in nursery schools, kindergartens, and schools nationwide.
Since 2012, we have conducted "Tohoku Regeneration Green Wave" to express our hope for the recovery of greenery in Tohoku, which was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake.